• Shipment will be delivered through courier or through third party logistics service providers.
  • Shipment will be delivered to specified delivery address within UAE
  • Approximate delivery time for the products: 4 to 6 working days, delivery within UAE only.
  • Shipment charges would be as mentioned in the invoice.
Multiple Shipment/ Orders / Bookings
The multiple order bookings may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement and multiple shipments

Refund Policy

Customers can cancel, return or refund an order in the following scenario

  • Wrong product was sent by the merchant.
  • The product was defective.
  • The product was damaged in shipping.
  • The product is tampered.
  • Out of stock /Unavailability of the product
  • Unable to ship due to Non-conformity raised during our pre shipment quality inspection.

Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment
We accept returns within 8 days of receipt, only if their delivery packaging has not been opened or the products are damaged or wrong product. Please notify us and return the box in its original packaging. In such instances, we will endeavor to send you another product or refund the payment.

Cancellation Policy

Customer can cancel their order within 24 hours; refunds will be made back to the payment solution used initially by the customer. Please allow for up to 45days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Customer has to send an email to support@varskart.com with their order number requesting for order cancellation within 24hrs of order placement.

Contact Us

Dubai, UAE
Email: info@superedgeme.com